About Awen Schoenthal

I’m excited to share the story that has gone from simply lurking in the back of my head to occupying every other thought. I probably wrote a million words of practice with a grand idea of releasing an entire series and have many opportunities for the stories in this unique world to grow.
My goal with Lilystone is to incorporate family, friendship with magic and multiple personality disorder, and this theme will be continued.
Writing is my passion, and I hope you enjoy Aryn’s adventure.

About Me:
I’m a wife and mom to two girls, and I’m lucky they are supportive.

Reading, gardening, and I am quite the Minecraft builder. You would think cleaning was one of my interests, but it truly is not.

Favorite Books:
Robin Hobb, Patterson, King, Gabaldon, Neil Gaiman, Robert Crane, and Tolkien. As I was named from Fellowship of the Rings, that would be treason not to list the classics. I love reading anything I can get my hands on and my kindle is always close.

Favorite Music:
New country, but really anything I can sing along with.

Favorite Movies:
Anything with superheroes. So many.

Favorite TV Shows:
I’m a writer, so I barely pay attention to the TV.

Favorite Quotes:
Watch this, mom!

Coffee, tacos, my family, my dog, and sunny days, but also rainy afternoons that give me an excuse to drink more coffee. Little girl’s laughter and my husband’s optimism that gold will be found on Oak Island.

Allergies, herniated disks, and poachers.